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          <!-- 音频动图 -->         <view class='{{ home_back }}' catchtouchmove='true' >             <view class='audio_fre'  wx:if="{{ adFre }}" bindtouchmove="handletouchmove" bindtouchend="handletouchend" style = "top:{{top}}px; left: {{left}}px; right: {{right}}px">                 <image class='audio_fre1' src='../../img/audio_back.png'></image>                 <image class='audio_fre2' src='../../img/audio_fre.gif'></image>             </view>         </view>   ----------           <!-- 分类 -->         <view class='menu_ul'>             <view class='menu_li' id="0" bindtap='menuLi'>                 <image src='../../img/recom.png'></image>                 <view class='menu_text'>推荐故事</view>             </view>             <view class='menu_li' id="1" bindtap='menuLi'>                 <image src='../../img/boy_icon.png'></image>                 <view class='menu_text'>男孩</view>             </view>             <view class='menu_li' id="2" bindtap='menuLi'>                 <image src='../../img/girl_icon.png'></image>                 <view class='menu_text'>女孩</view>             </view>         </view>      </view>      <!-- 儿童故事 -->     <view class='child_story'>         <view class='story_ul' wx:if="{{curr_index == 0}}">             <view class='story_li' bindtap='storySec'>                 <view class='story_li_img'>                     <image class='story_li_img1' src='../../img/weekend-first.png'></image>                     <image class='story_li_img2' src='../../img/pay_icon.png'></image>                 </view>                 <view class='st_li_tit b'>童话故事里的小智慧</view>                 <view class='st_li_sec'>小智慧,大智慧</view>             </view>         </view>         <view class='story_ul' wx:if="{{curr_index == 1}}">             <view class='story_li' bindtap='storySec'>                 <view class='story_li_img'>                     <image class='story_li_img1' src='../../img/weekend-first.png'></image>                     <!-- <image class='story_li_img2' src='../../img/pay_icon.png'></image> -->                 </view>                 <view class='st_li_tit b'>童话故事里的小智慧</view>                 <view class='st_li_sec'>小智慧,大智慧</view>             </view>         </view>         <view class='story_ul' wx:if="{{curr_index == 2}}">             <view class='story_li' bindtap='storySec'>                 <view class='story_li_img'>                     <image class='story_li_img1' src='../../img/weekend-first.png'></image>                     <image class='story_li_img2' src='../../img/pay_icon.png'></image>                 </view>                 <view class='st_li_tit b'>童话故事里的小智慧</view>                 <view class='st_li_sec'>小智慧,大智慧</view>             </view>         </view>     </view>


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//index.js var app = getApp(); Page({      /**      * 页面的初始数据      */     data: {          adply1: true,         adply2: false,         adcol1: true,         adcol2: false,         adFre: false,         funBun: false,         curr_index: 0,         screenHeight: 0,         screenWidth: 0,         top: 65,         left: 300,         right: 0,         home_back: 'home_back1'     },      /**      * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载      */     onLoad: function (options) {         //获取屏幕宽高         var that = this;         wx.getSystemInfo({             success: function (res) {                 console.log(res.windowWidth)//手机可用屏幕宽度                 console.log(res.windowHeight)//手机可用屏幕高度                 that.setData({                     screenHeight: res.windowHeight,                     screenWidth: res.windowWidth,                 });             }         });     },      /**      * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成      */     onReady: function (e) {         let that = this;         that.audioCtx = wx.createAudioContext('myAudio')     },      /**      * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示      */     onShow: function () {      },      /**      * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏      */     onHide: function () {      },      /**      * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载      */     onUnload: function () {      },      /**      * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作      */     onPullDownRefresh: function () {      },      /**      * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数      */     onReachBottom: function () {      },      /**      * 用户点击右上角分享      */     onShareAppMessage: function () {      },      /**      * 跳转搜索页面      */     srhBox: function () {         let that = this;         wx.navigateTo({             url: '../search/index',         })     },       /**      * 点击播放      */     audioPlay: function () {         var that = this;         that.audioCtx.play();         that.setData({             adply1: false,             adply2: true,             adFre: true,             // isScroll: that.data.isScroll         })     },      /**      * 点击暂停      */     audioPause: function () {         var that = this;         that.audioCtx.pause();         that.setData({             adply1: true,             adply2: false,             adFre: false,             // isScroll: that.data.isScroll         })     },        /**     * 点击收藏     */     audioColy: function () {         var that = this;         that.setData({             adcol1: false,             adcol2: true,         })     },      /**      * 点击未收藏      */     audioColn: function () {         var that = this;         that.setData({             adcol1: true,             adcol2: false,         })     },        /**      * 跳转故事详情      */      storySec: function () {         let that = this;         wx.navigateTo({             url: '../audio/index',         })     },      /**      * 点击切换      */      menuLi: function (e) {         let that = this;         // console.log (e);         let id = e.currentTarget.id;          that.setData({             curr_index: id         })     },      /**      * 音频小白点滑动      */      //滑动移动事件     handletouchmove: function (e) {         let that = this;         let clientX = e.touches[0].clientX;         let clientY = e.touches[0].clientY;         //屏幕边界判断         if (clientX < 20 || clientY < 20)             return;         if (clientX > that.data.screenWidth - 20)             return;         if (clientY > that.data.screenHeight - 20)             return;         that.setData({             left: e.touches[0].clientX - 20,             top: e.touches[0].clientY - 20,             right: e.touches[0].clientX - 20,             home_back: 'home_back2'         })      },      //滑动结束事件     handletouchend: function (e) {         let that = this;         if ( that.data.left < (that.data.screenWidth - 60) / 2 ) {             that.setData({                 left: 0,                 home_back: 'home_back1'             })         } else {             that.setData({                 left: that.data.screenWidth - 60,                 right: 0,                 home_back: 'home_back1'             })         }     }    })





( 此人很懒并没有留下什么~~ )